Enver Hoxha


Shefqet Peçi
Shefqet Peçi


Guerra di Valona

Shefqet Peçi's courageous start

The life of the People’s Hero Shefqet Peçi is one of a long period of courage. Born in the mountain village of Picarit near Girokastra on June 30, 1906, he developed the spirit of a fighter very early, and was only 14 years old when he took part in the war against the Italians in Vlora in 1920.

First Battles: Noli Revolution

In 1924 he fought in the democratic revolution led by Fan Noli. During the period of monarchical power, he was an officer of King Zog, but not sharing the power for which he served as an officer and having become anti-Zog he was arrested for the first time in 1937 and demoted from military officer.


Protests and Resistance Against the fascists

He fought against the fascist monarchy, leading the protest of students in the city of Elbasan, when the monarchy brought the Italian fascists to Albania. In the anti-fascist war of national liberation he immediately committed himself as a patriot.

Proteste e Resistenza Contro i fascisti

Egli combatté contro la monarchia fascista, guidando la protesta degli studenti della città di Elbasan, quando la monarchia portò i fascisti italiani in Albania. Nella Guerra antifascista di liberazione nazionale si impegnò immediatamente come patriota.


World War: Military leadership of Shefqet Peçi

During the first months of 1942 he was already the leader of the partisan military formations and at the same time joined the Albanian Communist Party. He was chosen commander and commissioner of the partisan military formations of the operational area of ​​Vlore-Girocastro, where he carried out the duties of commander with valor, ability, talent and experience.

Enver Hoxha

World estimate: Hero beyond borders

La condizione della guerra antifascista, gli ideali per lui fondamentali di difesa del Paese e le sue capacità di leadership, portarono Shefqet Peçi a diventare comandante della 5a Brigata partigiana e poi vicecomandante della 1a Divisione partigiana. L’eco delle sue gesta andò oltre i confini dell’Albania, combatté contro i tedeschi guidando formazioni militari partigiane per la liberazione del Kosovo, guadagnandosi il rispetto.

Political Career: Shefqet Peçi state service

After the liberation Peçi worked in all positions, both military and state, with honesty and high conscience he became Minister of Mines, Minister of Communications, President of State Control, member of Parliament in all legislatures until 31 March 1991. In 1970 he was also President of the Presidium of the People’s Assembly.

Life as a Writer: Literary works

In his very busy life, Shefqet also found time to write. He wrote memoirs of the Second World War and many poems about country life. Sh. Peçi began his life well, continued it with dignity and ended it with a crescendo.

The arrest

At the end of this century Peçi du imprisoned by the Berisha regime at the age of 90 with absurd accusations and “laws”. When Shefqet had fought for the liberation of the city of Kukesit in northern Albania, some traitors and collaborators of the Nazis murdered 47 partisans of the 5th Brigade. In response, the partisan organized by himself killed 21 collaborators. After more than half a century, the nephews of these collaborators carried out their revenge and imprisoned him who was in very poor health.

Heroic Death

Shefqet Peçi was never afraid of fascists and Nazis, he always remained courageous and openly declared “it is an honor for me to die in Berisha prison”. He chose to end his life the same way, as a brave patriot and hero.  Peçi did not die in the hearts of the people. His funeral  was a great demonstration of the respect of the people and the group of politicians for this man, a hero even in difficult times.