Enver Hoxha


The path of betrayal and opportunism


With these brief hints of history, we certainly do not want to rewrite the recent history of Albania, which will certainly be done in due course: the dynamics and internal developments for the succession to Enver Hoxha, the method used to overthrow Socialism in Albania , are reasons for reflection for Marxists – Leninists. This, however, demonstrates that the internal enemy, the Trojan horse, is the most dangerous one that hides behind splendid masks of smiles and hugs.

But, as Enver Hoxha stated in closing the book “Eurocommunism is anti-communism”: The situations are not easy, but let us remember Stalin’s optimistic words according to which: «there is no fortress that the communists cannot conquer». This revolutionary optimism arises from the same objective laws of society’s development. Capitalism is a system condemned by history to be liquidated. Nothing, neither the fierce resistance of the bourgeoisie, nor the betrayal of the modern revisionists, will be able to save it from its inevitable end. The future belongs to socialism and communism.